The Project Green Abad will be producing biogas and sound energy from waste material conversion. Biogas production would derive its raw materials from animal excreta, food wastes, crop wastes, and vegetable wastes from our integrated ginger, chicken, and dairy farms. The self-sustaining closed-loop
Green Abad will be producing quality feeds for poultry and cattle, mainly for its own farms in poultry and dairying. This will, however also be extended to other farmers in that region. Balanced and nutrient-rich feeds for animals are thus provided with the
Project Green Abad would be a dairy farm based on 20,000 cows and would spearhead all our initiatives. Through this project, it has been visualized that the problem of ever-increasing demand and day-by-day price hikes of milk and milk products due to supply
The first and premier project, Green Abad, takes into account the need of the people from the population of Bangladesh: for our farm, it accommodates 150,000 chickens at a time, thereby being vivid in activities supporting the local community with a steady supply
With increasing demand, which is almost at rocket speed, Green Abad is widely prepared to play front-line roles in poultry hatching and chick production within the territorial jurisdiction of Bangladesh. Green Abad has maintained an over-sized target production capacity of 160,000 chicks, making
In the next couple of years, the company will be increasing ginger growth. Green Abad aims to hit 150,000 metric tons of production to cater to local and overseas markets. The company will adopt modern farming techniques and best practices to ensure the